Collected Resources

The amount of information available about coping with COVID-19 that can be overwhelming! To help you navigate through it all, below are some of our favorite articles, videos, and guides.

We will keep updating this page as we continue to find resources worth posting.

UCSB Wellness Center promoting wellness for UCSB students

Psychological Resources For Coronavirus (COVID-19) by PsychTools

On Being, “a nonprofit media and public life initiative exploring the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, community, poetry, and the arts.”

Positive Psychology Strategies for Keeping Stress at Bay Through the Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis by Dr. Michelle Tugade

Self-Compassion and COVID-19 by Drs Chris Germer and Kristen Neff

Video: The three secrets of resilient people a TedTalk by Dr. Lucy Hone

Webinar: Support for Clinicians During COVID-19 by the Clinical Division of the International Positive Psychology Association

Free Guided Meditations by UCLA Health

Free Guided Meditations by the CALM Team


Positive and Painful Emotions Exist Together